I am the co-author of several books with Ben Stoeger. We bring a unique perspectives to practical shooting and provide shooters with quantifiable benchmarks based on skill level. Our books provide readers with invaluable knowledge. Readers who implement the skills/drills in the books can expect to see vast improvement in their shooting abilities. Each book serves a different purpose, but they all give valuable insight into the world of practical shooting. All books are available at Ben Stoeger Pro Shop or Amazon.
Match Mentality
This book isn’t about shooting as much as it is about the preparation, complicated feelings, emotions, and physiological changes that will occur when you are in a competition. Your technical training and talent can take you very far in the shooting sports, and it will allow you the opportunity to win matches that matter to you. Your mental fortitude, visualization, and competition mindset are factors that will enable you to carry through and actually win.The simple fact is that practical shooting matches test more than your technical shooting ability. They assess the professionalism of your preparation. At face value, matches test your ability to develop a stage plan, memorize it, and execute it. On a deeper level, matches test your ability to deal with pressure and control yourself. Honing these skills, these “mental game” sorts of things, are what this book is all about.

Practical Shooting Training
Practical Shooting Training is the most detailed and specific training manual for practical shooting that has ever been produced. This book is the culmination of years of steady training, instruction, teaching, and writing. Invariably the first question I get will be from people that have followed my work over the past years. “What is different about this book?” This is a fair question, so let me answer. Practical Shooting Training is a “layered” approach to training. Instead of dumping out all the information you need for your training and then having you sift through hundreds of pages of drills and training information we have decided to structure this book in a new way. There are 4 levels of training. Among these different levels, every reader should be able to find where they fit in and get to work from that point. Think of each level as a self-contained training book. Each level has a different mix of drills, goals and standards. The same exercises evolve and change over time as your shooting grows and changes. Each level of training is segregated in the book so it will be easy to work within that level.If you have never fired a round at a match before, you start out at level 1. If you are chasing your 4th National title, you go to level 4. The structure allows this book to work for a wide audience and will give you plenty of room to grow as you work through the book.

Adaptive Rifle is the ultimate guide for learning how to train shooting well regardless of your current skill-level and perspective. Don’t be bamboozled into thinking this book only helps you get proficient at shooting rifles or in a competition setting. The concepts, principals, and decades of experience represented in these pages translate to pistol shooting and other firearm disciplines.